"Jathyadi Keram from "Nimi Ayurveda" is a massage and care oil that effectively helps in skin care, treating minor wounds, dirt and other skin disorders.
Based on coconut oil, Jathyadi Keram has Pita dosha-reducing properties and can be used as a scalp massage oil.
Glass bottle.
"Jathyadi Keram from "Nimi Ayurveda" is a massage and care oil that effectively helps in skin care, treating minor wounds, dirt and other skin disorders.
Based on coconut oil, Jathyadi Keram has Pita dosha-reducing properties and can be used as a scalp massage oil.
Glass bottle.
Preparation/Use: Jathyadi Keram Ayurveda massage oil does not contain emulsifiers and may harden at lower temperatures. For optimum use, gently warm the oil to 36-40°C in a warm water bath. Shake the bottle well before use.
Ingredients (INCI): Cocos Nucifera Oil, Curcuma Longa Rhizome, Achyranthes Aspera Leaf, Aerva Lanata Root, Azadirachta Indica Leaf, Calycopteris Floribunda Leaf, Cynodon Dactylon Leaf, Erythrina Vareigata Leaf, Hedyotis Corymbosa Whole Plant, Jasminum Grandiflorum Leaf, Physalis Minima Root, Trichosanthes Lobota Leaf, Vitex Nigundo Leaf, Cera Alba, Copper Sulphate, Coscinium Fenestratum Stem Bark, Glycyrrhiza Glabra Fruit, Hemidesmus Indicus Rhizome, Picrorhiza Kurroa Root, Pongamia Pinnata Seed, Rubia Cordifolia Root, Terminalia Chebula Fruit.
Storage conditions: Store in a cool, light-protected place
Origin: India (Kerala)
Manufacturer: Nimi Ayurveda Herbal, India