Put these things on your to-do list for the year and see how doing them changes your physical and mental health for the better.

* Eat foods with high levels of prana. Our mood depends on what we eat. Make sure your food contains enough vital energy and grab organic fruits and vegetables, fresh dairy products, soaked seeds and nuts.

* Eliminate stress. High levels of stress are the cause of many illnesses. To minimise or eliminate it from your life, make it a rule to start and end your day with a meditation practice. Meditation is already a scientifically proven way to combat stress and its consequences.

* Clear your energy channels. If you feel dizzy during your breathing practices, it is a sure sign that your mental channels are blocked by ama (toxins). It may be worth doing a course of panchakarma or, for example, following a green diet for a week. Another way to clear blocked channels is to drink water with fennel and basil during the day.

* Look on the bright side. Everything in life has a light side and a dark side - but the effect you get depends entirely on the angle from which you look at what is going on.

* Develop the power of your mind. What is a problem for some people is an exciting task for others. According to Ayurveda, consuming ghee butter, organic milk and walnuts in the diet increases dhi (the ability to learn), dhriti (the ability to remember) and smriti (the ability to retrieve).

* Slow down the daily race. Constant rushing is a sign of a Vata dosha imbalance: in this case, Ayurveda recommends temporarily giving up grains and salads and eating warm, ready-made meals.

* Learn something new every day. The world around us gives us lessons from which we can learn something useful. Develop this trait by looking sideways more often and learning to notice the important things in the little things.

* Treat yourself. A soothing massage, an aromatic herbal bath, a healthy and nutritious snack - all of these are a source of joy and help heal both body and soul.

* Do something for others. Good deeds don't require money: you can go through your closet and give someone clothes you don't wear anymore, bake cookies, write a letter - the list goes on and on. And the feeling of bliss you feel at such moments will instantly increase your cojones (the body's life force).

* Promote healthy habits. Instead of punishing yourself for deviating from your goal, focus on a specific habit - for example, going to bed by 10 pm - and try it out step by step. Move on to the next goal only when you have finally established the first habit and feel the positive changes on you.